It was a windy day out at Caulfield Races today but our hopes were not to be blown away for the Mighty Falcent's run in Race 4. 

After getting a last minute back wheel alignment from the Farrier, Falcent hit the mounting yard looking very relaxed but determined.  New jockey Dean Yendall heard the pre-race instructions from Doug and jumped aboard.  The owners gathered anxiously to watch the race.

…And what a race it was!  After jumping up, not out from the widest barrier Dean came across to join the pack before the turn and settled in last place.  There were a few nervous seconds for the owners as Falcent came around the turn to hit the straight in last place, but I think Doug was quietly confident in the horses ability. 

Dean kicked Falcent on, took him wide and rounded up the pack in a jaw dropping run from last place to finish second by a nose!  Falcent's turn of foot was incredible for the last 400m.

Thank you Dean Yendall for a fantastic ride and thank you to each and every trainer, stable hand, track rider and helper at Doug Harrison Racing for preparing and looking after Falcent so well.

Conratulations to all the owners for a thrilling second at Caulfield today.

"He is an awesome individual our Falcent!"

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