It was a glorious day out at the Bendigo Races.  While Melbourne was drowning in some much needed rain, the sky was blue and the sun was out at Bendigo!

The Mighty Falcent was looking a million bucks in his tie up stall, relaxed and settled, ready for his big race.

Craig Williams gave the owners the pre-race run down, then jumped aboard and headed to the barriers.

Falcent jumped well and settled mid field on the outside.  Passing the 400m mark, Craig asked the Falkirk gelding to power home to the line and that he did.  His turn of foot was excellent and he gave all he had to get to the line.

We were edged out in a photo finish to second by a fast finishing Melting Pot.  Everyone was absolutley thrilled with second.  Falcent ran a great race and Craig once again rode the horse really really well.

Thank you to Doug Harrison Racing for preparing Falcent, Craig for riding and congratulations to all the owners!

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