By Adrian Dunn

TVN Thursday, December 27, 2012 – 3:40 PM

WAYNE Davis reckons Christmas arrived late, but he was not complaining after posting a double from as many rides today at Mornington.

Davis teamed with Amonmarie, which survived a protest, and Couperin, which defied an army of challengers.

Both Davis’ winners were trained by Doug Harrison, a long-time supporter.

Amonmarie has tested the resolve of Harrison and connections. This daughter of O’Reilly had a chip removed from a joint before she had a gallop.

Next, Amonmarie cut her leg in a paddock accident, which resulted in her being stabled for six weeks.

“And, then we got a bit of work into her and she chipped a bone in another fetlock,” Harrison said.

“Finally, we got her going, but the other day she was on the tredmill and she rushed into the sand roll and jammed me into the wall.

“I took her back out and gave her some more work on the tredmill, brought her back into the sand roll and she did the same thing.

“She’s tough, that’s one thing about her.”

Couperin, raced by Kevin O’Brien and his wife Tanith, proved just as resolute as he led throughout to post his maiden win.

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